Push yourself and your team to new limits, learning to face your fears and take a step beyond what you thought possible
Feel the personal success and team triumph when you walk straight over a path of red-hot glowing embers to complete this team building challenge.
Our exciting fire walking option can be used as a standalone activity or as part of a multi-activity rotational event. For help, ideas or more information, please contact us by phone, email or contact form. Full contact details are on our Contact Us page.
Fire walking has been used for over a thousand years in many cultures all around the globe. Historically, this activity has often been used in a tribal ‘rite of passage’ context or in religious ceremonies. Today, however, it is increasingly used in team building and management seminars to demonstrate what can be achieved by participants when they overcome their fears.
We offer groups a memorable and potentially life changing fire walking experience, which is carefully managed by our professional expert fire walking instructor.
5 to 300
1 to 2 hours
Initial session with our expert fire walking instructor to build confidence
Participants cannot simply bound straight onto a fire walk; it is essential that your group works up to this challenge. Over the initial first hour, our expert fire walking instructor will talk about, and physically demonstrate, how to overcome fear. Through his extensive experience as an elite forces instructor, he will articulate exactly what is happening to the body and mind when put before stressful and seemingly dangerous situations. This is very insightful and entertaining.
Understanding how to rationalise simple preconceptions or concerns will be something that participants take away from this activity, which will be of use to them throughout their working and personal lives. Normal life and business are full of obstacles and natural fears.
In our session, participants learn tools and techniques to successfully address their fears to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles. This essential training period provides participants with many examples of overcoming barriers and starts to foster a real support network from all the participants. From the silly to the serious, our instructor will offer a range of indoor physical tasks, done in pairs or as a group, to prepare everyone for their first fire walk.
Watch our video
Click on the play button below to see a recent fire walking team building session.
Prepare for a temperature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit!
As the initial session progresses, your team will rapidly build up confidence and trust in our instructor, and then it is time to walk outside and face the pre-prepared red-hot path of fire before them! Our professional fire walk designer has spent the time up until then building and burning down stacks of oak to produce a highly-regulated path of embers with a temperature averaging around 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
What lies before participants is no more than four or five strides on a walk like never before. It is a real-life moment that calls on personal inner confidence.
There is never any pressure or insistence to do the fire walk. This is always a personal choice and often just seeing other team mates doing it and being supportive is enough.
There is no trace of the fire walk left on the venue’s grounds. We bring multi-layered turf coverings that full protect the surface, whether this is grass or concrete.
You are in the safest hands possible for an amazing team event
Our fire walk instructor and designer have delivered and facilitated thousands of these events so you are in the safest of hands possible.
Our fire walking instructor has over 30 years of training experience in the world of personnel management. He has held numerous management positions in his naval career, including Procurement Director, Finance Director and Operational Requirements Director for organisations including the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall, Defence Logistics Organisation and the Royal Navy’s Fleet Headquarters. He was instrumental in the development and introduction of the UK Joint Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape training policy and creating the new Joint Service Training Facility. His experience and expertise ensures his seat at many NATO policy, training and equipment committees. He is internationally recognised as a speaker on subjects including environmental survival, motivational training and team development.
The team building benefits are simply obvious to everyone taking part. Team support and camaraderie will be there in abundance. As each participant steps off the fire walk in turn, they are cheered and clapped by everyone around. There will be lifelong memories of achieving something unique together.
Please fill out the form below to get contact us
“We’d love to help you, whatever stage you are at planning your next event. We’re happy to provide further information, ideas or a quote. Just enter your details below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. ”
Lisa Hayes, Director of Creative Team Events
You can also contact us by phone and email. Full contact details are on our Contact Us page.
Pages you may be interested in:
Fire Walking Extreme Team Building (blog post) | List of Our Outdoor Events | List of Our Indoor Events