It’s a relatively gloomy time for many companies and organisations, with great uncertainty about the future economy and whether we are heading towards another recession. Equally, many individuals are facing falling living standards, reduced pensions and diminished job security. In this environment, it’s reasonable to question the value of team building activities. We have found [Continue Reading]
From Stomp to Junk Funk, and it’s Environmentally Friendly!
There are many examples of traditional musicians using industrial or household items in their musical cultures. The steel drums of the Caribbean, cowbells in Latin America and even the anvil in classical music are some examples. Stomp and, more recently, The Blue Man Group, continue to dazzle London’s West End and the biggest venues in Las [Continue Reading]
Clap Happy: the Hands-On Conference Icebreaker…Just Add Rubber
Years ago, we started employing a five- to ten-minute rhythmical ice breaker – using just hands – at the beginning of our drumming and music-based teambuilding activities. The opening of a session is a critical time for both the head facilitator in charge and all the participants, who have just walked in to this very [Continue Reading]
Thriller at the Pineapple Dance Studios
Back in 1983, Michael Jackson was the undisputed king of popular music and across the world there was huge anticipation as he launched his extended music video ‘Thriller’ on December 2nd. Who would have thought that his career could go any higher, or that he could become any more famous, and yet he managed to take [Continue Reading]
Strictly Non-Contact Come Dancing!
Humans watching other humans move to music goes back to the eons of pre-history. There is something obviously captivating about watching or participating in dance, which has permeated every culture, location and age on Earth. With ever-dwindling TV ratings, as people desert their televisions for DVDs, blu-rays and the Internet, it’s amazing that last Saturday evening [Continue Reading]
Evening Entertainment With Bollywood in Brighton
Over the last two years, we have seen a growing interest in our themed Bollywood event for evening entertainment and corporate dinners. The instantly recognisable colours, music and food options make it a welcome change to the never-ending casino, Oscar and Rat Pack themes we see so often. Bollywood, of course, is the term used for the [Continue Reading]
Charity Drumming Events With Sense
Last Friday night, I spent four hours in the company of certain individuals who take communication and service to others to a different level. I believe we are very privileged in this team building and corporate event industry. Every week, we jet off to some wonderful locations. We get to observe many enigmatic trainers or consultants [Continue Reading]
From Rugby Haka to Exciting Team Building
As Rugby World Cup 2011 fever is in the air and the New Zealand All Blacks team are very much in the running, I thought I would expand on why the All Blacks use the Haka, and how it is used in our team building activities, ice breakers and energisers. For many generations, the All Blacks [Continue Reading]
24 Hours as an Event Facilitator
In this blog, I thought I’d describe a day I had as a facilitator last week. I never tire of facilitating team building events due to the diversity of different groups, the broad range of options we offer and the adrenalin and energy that is created during each session. I arrived back in England around [Continue Reading]
Themed Team Building – the extra touch
An important way in which we differentiate our team building activities from others is through the use of theming. When participants have been in a room throughout the day, theming creates an immediate change from the familiar environment. Theming allows us to enhance any of our sessions to another level entirely. Participants are presented with [Continue Reading]