Last Saturday was a perfect example of the extremes we see in group size (and content) for our teambuilding events. My day started very early, in order to get to the Bath Spa and Resort Hotel in plenty of time. At a breakfast meeting with our client, we ran through the finer outcomes required for the [Continue Reading]
Capturing Your Team Building Activities For Ever
I am always surprised when, after all that goes into organising a team event – including meetings, deliberations, bookings and site visits – clients often overlook the option of filming or, at least, photographing their event. So often when we arrive at a venue and we are preparing to set up, clients have the sudden [Continue Reading]
Venues for Team Building
Vital, but often overlooked, components to a perfectly-executed team building event are the cooperation and support of the staff and management of the venue. They have the authority, local knowledge and resources to help create a flawless event from a logistical perspective. Conversely, they have the potential to hamper every sensible idea, add unforeseen obstacles and [Continue Reading]
Choosing the Perfect Teambuilding Activity
Over the years, we have seen so many weird and wonderful ideas that even make our very own Thriller (where everyone is dressed as zombies and taught the famous Michael Jackson routine) look quite sane! These days, the team building options available to companies are almost endless and the Internet is awash with everything imaginable to do [Continue Reading]
The Valuable Role of Team Building Activities in a Recession
It’s a relatively gloomy time for many companies and organisations, with great uncertainty about the future economy and whether we are heading towards another recession. Equally, many individuals are facing falling living standards, reduced pensions and diminished job security. In this environment, it’s reasonable to question the value of team building activities. We have found [Continue Reading]
Themed Team Building – the extra touch
An important way in which we differentiate our team building activities from others is through the use of theming. When participants have been in a room throughout the day, theming creates an immediate change from the familiar environment. Theming allows us to enhance any of our sessions to another level entirely. Participants are presented with [Continue Reading]
Are Team Building Events Better Indoors or Outdoors?
When we get asked if we can deliver our team building events outside, the answer is always a resounding ‘yes’! We have had many notable successes delivering outside sessions. For example, a recent drumming workshop around the camp fire worked fabulously. I also recently took a Junk Funk group in full costumes outside their hotel to play in the [Continue Reading]
Two Events Can Be Better Than One!
When a client is planning a team building event with a generous time allocation, we often suggest a multi-activity session, particularly if there are several rooms available. The reason for this is that we believe clients can achieve much more with two activities than extending one single event beyond its optimum duration, just to fit [Continue Reading]
Corporate Event Planning: key questions for your next event
In past articles we have looked at the delivery, benefits and intention behind our activities but, of course, before we get to any that, the actual planning process has to take place itself. Adequate planning is essential to get the most from your next team building activity or corporate entertainment event. To help you do [Continue Reading]
Put the ‘Interactive’ in Interactive Team Building
The team building activities that we specialise in, such as drumming, singing and dancing, are obviously interactive by nature. I’d like to think that we take the word ‘interactive’ to another level, so that we create the most intense, entertaining and surprising interactive team building activities for all participants. Our head facilitators are trained to [Continue Reading]